
Food as Care Cookbook
Tree of Heaven
Untitled Graduate Thesis
Pratt Public Sphere
Cannon Café (Café Bustelo)
Culinary Performances
Ox-Bow Pad Thai
LaTerre Realty Trust
On the Line

Curriculum Vitae     



2024-25 | Culinary Artist in Residence | Ox-Bow School of Art

2024 | Group Exhibition | Ways of Showing Up @ The Performing Garage

2024 | Artist in Residence | Woodstock-Byrdcliffe Guild

2024 | Resilience Thinking Walkspace Performance | Prelude in the Parks Performance Festival

| I’m teaching this July! Art on the Meadow Workshops | Ox-Bow School of Art & Residency Program

2024 | Group Exhibition | Open Kitchen, Curated by Phil Zheng Cai

2024 | Researcher & Presenter | Pratt Research Open House, Brooklyn Navy Yard

2024 | Artist in Residence | Wassaic Project

2024 | Saturday Studio Workshop | Dia:Beacon

2024 | Year of the Dragon Print Daily Calendar | FAR–NEAR

2023 | Artist in Residence | Creature Conserve Residency, Governors Island, NY

2023 | Art on the Meadow Workshop | Ox-Bow School of Art & Residency Program

2023 | MFA Fine Arts Graduation | Pratt Institute

2023 | Pratt Public Sphere in the Press | Pratt.edu

2022 | Food as Resistance at La Morada | Commercial Type’s “The Food Issue”

Photo Credit: Olivia Booker
Artist Statement

I am an interdisciplinary conceptual artist who interrogates the systems we find ourselves embedded in as a way to open up space for the social, the restful, and the hopeful. I draw inspiration from the food we eat, the recipes we pass down, and the places that remind us of home. I often place myself in my work as a facilitator of dialogue, as a provocateur asking critical questions, as a host creating space for people to come together. I use food—in particular the act of cooking, gathering, and sharing meals—as an entry point into new discursive and public spheres.

Artist Bio 2024

Daniel Pravit Fethke
(b. 1993, New York, NY) is an interdisciplinary artist working in film, performance, social practice, and installation. Teaching is a central part of his practice, and he regularly facilitates workshops, cooking classes, and creative gatherings that center food and recipes as ways to explore identity, narrative, and culture. He co-founded the mutual aid food pop-up Angry Papaya, and has hosted workshops at Dia:Beacon, Socrates Sculpture Park, and the Performing Garage. Daniel has held several artist residencies, including at the Wassaic Project (2024), the Woodstock-Byrdcliffe Guild (2024), and as a Culinary Resident at the Ox-Bow School of Art (2024-25). He has exhibited work internationally in Bangkok, Berlin, Barcelona, and domestically at the Yale School of Art, Recess Art Space, and the Knockdown Center. He recently published an autobiographical Thai-American cookbook through Pratt Institute, where he also received his MFA in Fine Arts in 2023. He currently lives and works in Brooklyn.

© 2024, Daniel Pravit Fethke